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  • Kota Kinabalu – Startpoint into the wild Borneo…

    Posted on August 12th, 2009 david No comments

    Childs perspective in the marketDiscovering Borneos jungle and mountains needs a starting point: Kota Kinabalu (also called KK), the capitol city of Sabah. First impressions from this more traditional and ‘wild’ part of Malaysia, friendly people in the city, organizing the next trips…

    I read that the people are very friendly here. As I asked a guy for the bus at the airport, he thought about 2 seconds, and invited me to drive with him for free into the town. Annoying taxi drivers are usual, but numerous of them want you to double their monthly salary with your payment for one ride – if you just ignore them, other people are very friendly and helpful; and the travel guide book is right… 🙂
    This city is very small, actually you can see the center within such a short time. But in the beginning its difficult because there is a lack of street-signs… I check in into the ‘Summer Lodge’, one of the best backpackers I have seen in cities so far, breakfast till 9 (what a unusual time, of course they can offer it for free if there is nobody awake 😉 ) and internet for free, nice common areas, rooftop terrace.
    I do last preparations for climbing the mountain the next days. In KL I already bought a headlamp and hiking shoes, here I am searching for long trousers, rain coat and a warm hood and gloves, as well as some provisions for the road. Just hope I didn’t forget something – it’s really strange to self-organize a trip for the next day where the temperature will be around zero at the summit while you are sweating in the heat of the town…

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