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  • Fishermen

    Posted on March 23rd, 2009 david 4 comments

    Fishing / house boatsOn the second day of our excursion we went to the countryside and saw how fishers are living, po verty, their old big house boats…

    As a contrast we visited a VIP club for angling. This lake had more fish than water inside…

    At the end of our trip I  bought our new domestic animals Glupschi, Hansi, Uschi and Unknown. Others played the de ath angels in a ki lling roul ette game.

    Fisherman’s daily life

    We drove some kilometers outside the city to visit the place of the fishermen. There was no arrangement and we felt like stupid tourists doing some third world tourism – like in the trip the group is doing in Poppitz…

    But our teacher talked with the locals and they accepted us to visit their ships and see how they live. Our teachers did the translating to talk to them. Even this is a river and far away from the sea you still can see flood / low tide. That’s why all the boats were not in the water, just standing on the ground. When flood-tide is coming fishermen move their boats out to do their business…

    VIP Fishing club

    Afterwards we visited a VIP club. Actually everybody who is paying can get a VIP and start angling in the lake. And its much easier to catch a fish here than for the real fishermens, this lake contained nearly more fish than water…

    Lala (like Tipsi or Po), the coordinating teachers 5 year old son who also was with us at the trip, was very lively, running around, watching the fish, trying by himself,… Till now we don’t really know why he had to wear a mouth protection mask during these excursions (just outside the bus), and we don’t know why it is practical to wrap him into a cover and hold the cover all the time (see picture)…

    Fish for our flat + killing roulette

    Actually we needed some movement in our flat, so I decided to buy fish… Firstly lots of guys of our group made bad comments, some tried to “forb id” this buy etc. But if you see the poor fish at the streets, dirty water, no space to turn around cause the aquariums or styrofoam boxes you have to get sympathy and give at least some of them a better life. After I explained this to the others, it was no problem at all – everybody understood… 🙂

    There have just been some damage joyfully grousers (D: schadenfreudige Querulanten) thinking that the fish will not survive for a long time under my care and they instantly made some roulette game with them. Four people set money on that one of the four fish which they thought will die first… I made the bet that they will survive at least for one week. The amount of money for this bet was higher than what fish, aquarium and two packages of food for them costed!!

    I think the fish didn’t like the four hours travel on the highway, at home they also didn’t like my soundsystem giving them a massage. That’s why I put the aquarium into the living room. We already thought of integrating them into our life and feeding them with beer and nuts, cause what’s good for us is also good for them.

    Unluckily we didn’t do it – and the next day we had a winner for the roul ette game. Some hours later the second winner was set. Then I had to do something, couldn”t see them suffering any longer. Stimulating with beer? Maybe good idea, but I decided to buy a brand new aquarium pump and water plants, gave them fresh (drinking) water and food.

    And now, more than one week later – Hansi is still swimming around and observing our flat… rescued!

    But I still don’t know if the dea ths of the others were influenced by Force Majeure (D: Höhere Gewalt) or my flatmate and his close friend:

    • She won the money from the bets
    • Both like Sushi, maybe expected that they can keep the fish?

    [edit] englischer fisch-plural angepasst, danke sami…
    ich wollt sie ja wirklich retten – im gegensatz zu dir, wo du als angler die fische ja vorsätzlich umbringen willst… 🙂


    4 responses to “Fishermen”

    1. Hallo David,
      Punkt 1: Das weiß sogar ich schon, dass in Englisch die Mehrzahl von “fish” nicht “fishes” heißt! (Darfst bei mir nachfragen, wie’s richtig heißt!)
      Punkt 2: Warum willst Du Fische “retten”, wenn Du sie dann sowieso sterben lässt?
      Punkt 3: Auch wenn Du ein grausamer Fischmörder bist, fehlst Du mir sehr!
      Hoffentlich kommst Du bald wieder zu mir nach Hause!
      (Entschuldige, irgendwie bin ich ja auch ein Fischm̦rder, Рaber halt nicht so ein grausamer!)
      Liebe Grüße, Dein kleiner Bruder Samuel!

    2. so mein lieber, nur um eins klar zu stellen: ich bin weder ein schadenfreudiger querulant noch ein todesengel!!!!
      ich kann nix dafür, dass du kein händchen für fischhaltung hast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    3. Alles was mir dazu einfällt ist: Der Bart passt dir sehr gut, David!

    4. Re Samuel: Bin mir nicht sicher, aber so weit ich weiß, is bei ‘fish’ nur kein Plural, wenn es sich um Essen handelt…

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